• Slept: 01.00-02.00; 05.00
  • Woke: 10.15
  • Screenplay pages: 4.5
  • Coding practice: 0
  • Piano practice: 1 hour
  • Movie: Now You See Me 2

I’m not 100% sure whether Now You See Me 2 counts as being a today thing or a yesterday thing, but if you want to go by the strict rule of the clock it counts as today because I watched it from 02.00 to 04.00 (roughly). That does mean, though, that I basically double-billed the two NYSM movies since I watched the first at 22.00 last night.

This two-part night does speak much more to my usual patterns as opposed to the first few days of this log, which kind of showed “normal sleep” in one block from nighttime (midnight-ish) to morning (09.30ish). The truth is, very few of my nights go like that. Which partly explains why my entire existence is a haze of slow-working brain and no-working body.


Considering I haven’t had a regular 9-5 for more than a year at this point, I’m surprised I still even know when a weekend is, let alone think about or treat it any differently to every other day.

But I usually do, so it felt pretty good to knock off almost five pages of the script today, even if my self-critical brain still thinks I didn’t do enough.

It’s not so much that I don’t feel I wrote enough (almost five pages is good for me), it’s more that I didn’t revise enough. Before I start writing new pages each day I like to go back over what I wrote the day before to get back into the flow my tweaking and tightening things up.


I spend some time flicking through the MuseScore app1 – and settled on having a crack at Seasons of Love. It’s been a favourite of mine for years and generally always gets me tearing up, but I’m hoping I can see through watery eyes as I learn to play it. Or that the concentration takes any and all emotion away…


An almost perfect evening of sport tonight.

First Arsenal Women thumped Leicester 6-2 after being 2-0 down at halftime. Then the Texans walked away with an impressive – if highly stressful! – win against the Bengals.

The only thing that could have made it better would have been if the two matches didn’t overlap and force me to double-screen. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried watching a football match closely and trying to follow an intense and exciting NFL game at the same time but I can tell you from tonight’s experience that it’s not easy.

  1. A great sheet music site (among many) that has a load of official scores from music publishers. ↩︎