When hackers1 are trying to break into something, they generally have a text file open to keep track of the methods and/or code they’ve tried so far.

That’s something I learned this week because I’ve been trying to teach myself to code, starting with Python. It’s hard. I feel like an old dog trying to learn a new trick: it’s hard to wrap your brain around something so completely alien when you haven’t been in a learning mindset for so long.

Given how dormant my brain has been recently, I’m hoping that the more time I spend trying to learn, the more my brain will adapt and allow me to take in information. Perseverance is key.

The point of the hacker thing, though, is to say that I thought maybe I could/should/would track what I’m doing each day to show myself the progress I’m making and illustrate that good things often take time.

It’s not going to be exclusively code-related. I’m trying to write a new screenplay, which is going very well but also very slowly. I’m trying to learn the piano, which is going very well but also very slowly. I’m trying to move house, which could be going better, is going very slowly, and is providing a quantity of stress I’d rather not have to deal with right now.2

Anyway, that’s what this is. Like a daily vlog, only in blog format. Oh, wait, that’s just a blog. I suppose you could say this is taking me back to my roots daily blogging my journey to transplant. Only it’s more for me than it is for anyone else. You can read it if you want to, though, because I’m nice like that.

PS: Given its purpose and format, there may be a bunch of Spag errors in these posts because I won’t be spending large amounts of time editing them. Obviously I’ll do my best to check through, but it’s not the priority nor the point of these entries.

  1. Hopefully ethical ones.
  2. Hence the decent into (probably too many) other things.